Some caption text in the videos are Norwegian. The app is available in English and Norwegian
Augmented Reality is a great variation in education delivery. The 3DL app on mobiles and iPADs provide for students to use Augmented reality in learning
Whether in the classroom, outside or at home, you can place models on your table or in your garden, simply using your iPador mobile. If you are on a desk, place the model on the desk and rotate it around or zoom it. If you have adequate space, move around the model and inspect it, go closer to zoom in and further away to zoom out. All parts are well labelled.
Let’s make it even more interesting. Printout images from the 3DL teacher console and hang it around the class. Let the students go around with their devices, scan the images, learn from it and come back and explain to you.
With GPS activated and under the open sky, start the 3DL astronomy module and learn about where the planets are right now in relation to your current position.
The 3DL app on mobility devices also works without AR. You can carry out almost all the activities that you do on a computer on mobility devices.
Om oss
3DL leverer læringsverktøy som skaper engasjement og hjelper elever med å holde fokus.
Med interaktivt 2D- og 3D-innhold bidrar vi til variasjon i undervisningen og introduserer nye læringsopplevelser i klasserommet.
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